Friday 17 September 2010

Tribute to Adam Lambert

Dear Adam,

I am totally in love with you. And I don't know how long it'll last, or if it's just this massive crush that I'll never get over, but you are absolutely AWESOME. Like, amazingly AWESOME. Your music is fantastic (you're so versatile! all your songs sound different!) and you put so much emotion in them, so much intensity, and you really know who you are. It's like, off screen, you're such a sweet guy, this unassuming 28-year-old doing the interviews, and you keep yourself humble - no one could possibly guess you're the same guy on and off screen!

I feel inspired again, and it's the most wonderful feeling ever. I can write, I can jump, I can do any damn thing I want to. And for that, nothing, not even this post, shows exactly how much I thank you.

From your special fan,
Shu <3

Thank you xxx