Thursday 14 July 2011


Just my personal noting of quotations:

'I have tried, again and again, to turn my addictions into a spiritual source. Addiction failed me, as it fails us all.'

'When we doubt, we learn to accept that we may not ever know. When we question, we learn to ccept that there may be no answer. When we shout our doubt into the universe, we learn to accept that we may be met with a silence we do not know how to read.'

'In accepting doubt, unanswered questions, and unknowing, we accept life on life's terms.'

'The suggestions of the second Step is that we come to believe - over time, in a process entirely personal and without rules - in something much simpler than we try to make it: something bigger than us. So we can call it whatever we like, and we can conceptualize it as anything we want. What matters is that our spirits respond to our sense of it.'

'We fight, I think, out of fear. And there is so much that we fear. We fear that we will lose what we have, will not get what we need, will not have enough, will never be who we think we should be. We fear we will not be happy. We fear we will not be content. But the people who are content, I think, do not fight.'

'... we want desperately to know, because we think if we know we will less adrift, less scared, less lost. But I say this quandary is also one of the best aspects because it forces us to come to grips with what and who we are.'

Oh dear. We humans perpetually elude ourselves, don't we?