And er... to TJ: I know I said I'd try to get a video of the snow? But I couldn't figure out if my phone had a video application. Heh. That's 'noob' for you. XD
Near the Brighton train station. I thought it looked pretty. Heh.
Snowy trees! Yay!
Ayne (also from previous posts) and Sanjeev from Singapore.
My literature text! And I've put all these colourful sticker thingys. =)
Sanjeev trying to swerve when being poked by Shu Yee. LoL
Arfah (also from previous posts) and Andrea from Colombia.
Holly and Shu Yee. Smile, darlings!
Poor Nik, who was sick today and couldn't taste good food.
Marianna from Hungary, supervisor for my floor who came to check on me just two minutes ago!