Sunday 25 July 2010

Bizarre Memories

Okay, so I've always known that people may surprise you with what they remember. Until this summer back home, however, I didn't know I'd be on the receiving end. So yes, it does feel bizarre when someone (ahem!) tells you that you wanted to buy this shirt once upon a time (which you've forgotten about), and you said something funny regarding that shirt (which you forgot too), and the cashier looked at you funny when you were paying (forgot), and your friend had to pay for you (forgot), and then you paid her back two months later (forgot).

Bizarre? Yes I think so! Mostly because my memory seems to have failed me a few embarrassing times now.

On another note, a big 'Thank You' to Sarah for lending me Handle With Care by Jodi Picoult. A wonderful read. If anyone's reading this, and if you're a big reader like myself, get books from her! This book-loving girl has a mad stash of books (mad, being figurative, of course, but it comes close). And add her as a friend on Shelfari. She knows what she's reading XD