Saturday 14 June 2008

Colistrian Magazine

Sorry, bloggers, for the very-long-not-posting condition of this blog. So, here is a post to make up for all those unwritten posts! LoL.

Right, so we still don't know if Obama is willing to let Clinton be his running mate, but well, we'll leave it at that for now. Until further notice - I'll let you know the latest news.

Apparently, it's Fathers' Day today, but since we celebrated last week, today is more of a 'Oh, yeah, Happy Fathers' Day, Dad' thing.

The school magazine is coming up pretty okay. Sam and two other sections are staying back on Monday until 5pm for the baking thing. Nat wants to help too, LoL. How cute. I have a great team with me, and for that, I thank the Lord. I really, really hope the magazine will be a great success. I will continue putting in as much as I can.

One day, I want every Colistrian to be able to flip through the magazine with excitement and interest.

I want every Colistrian to take a look at our magazine and say, 'That's my school.'

Ten years from now, I want Colistrians to be able to take our school magazine and show their friends with pride and tell everyone else, 'This is Convent Light Street.'

When people look at our school magazine, I want them to be impressed.

I want people to love our school, the way I do.

I want everyone to see our school with this halo around its roof and look at the school with admiration.

Our school is a school with prestige, with virtues, with principles.

May it live on.