Thursday 15 May 2008


That's what the clock says. Gitz dropped me home. Funny how much less time it actually takes to travel from school now that I've moved. =P

Moral was so bad that I could have chewed my own head off. Except that, you know, I wouldn't. Because that's something only a retard would do. Which ONLY refers to me when I'm doing something really barbaric/baboonic.

Barbarian. Hmm. New 'B' word. XD. An excellent variation to 'baboon'.

Has anyone ever watched Dave the Barbarian? Well, if you're nodding, you must either be a younger-than-five kid, or someone about as old as Alyssa (who, in doll's years, in roughly 89). Or, hold up, did I change her name to Melanie or something? Ah well. I've changed her name too many times, the poor dear.

Since I'm bored and I have no intention of studying chem until I've actually washed up and slept for three good, solid hours, I shall reveal 10 interesting facts about yours truly (oi sheh, promoting myself):

1. I have a rabbit plush toy, which is roughly a young kid's size, called Mr Rabbit.

2. I have a brown plush puppy called - surprise, surprise - Brownie.

3. I have a Koala bear from Australia called 'From'.

4. I have a kangaroo from Australia called 'Australia'.

5. I have a rag doll (an excellent one, mind you - she's been with me since I was five, though as I said, in doll's years, she's 89) named ... er ... erm... uh ... never mind.

6. My plush toys used to be my audience whenever I was practising a speech or just singing (out of tune)

7. I stare at my curtain when I'm bored - if anyone else does this, let me know! I'd love to share views on the fabric of curtains and how they're sewed! I know what you mean! All those mean ceiling-staring people won't understand how we curtain-starers feel!

8. I'm bored.

9. I'm beginning to sound like Kitt.

10. I'm finally coming to the end of this stupid list that I stupidly decided to stupidly start.


Additional: #11. I hope no teacher ever reads blogs.