Friday 30 May 2008

With crazy people

I'm currently with Su Sian and Phoay Ning - at my place. We're supposed to do some photoshop thingy, but we finished it in like, 2 seconds. More like, we just chose whatever pics we liked from Sports Day and gave the whole thing to Su Sian. Actually, now I come to think of it, we didn't even need to choose the pics. BUT it sure was fun. I mean, yeah, Phoay Ning was more interested in playing with her Game Boy, and Su Sian was far more excited in taking pics of the house - but it was fun.

I have just discovered that Su Sian is crazily hyper. Yes, I mean, hyper. Like, never sitting still. I know, freaky.

Tabby - Haven't gone on msn in AGES. It's just too... distracting.

Chad - LoL. Everyone has their own style of typing/writing/commenting. You have yours. XD

Kitt - True enough. Naive people and too-smart-but-too-bored-for-their-good people are the ones who make the world go round.

TJ - You poor thing. Have fun at camp anyway!