Thursday 15 May 2008

Out of Chem boredom

I still can't believe that Chem is Kitt's fav subject.

I need all the luck I can get. Even if I am a tad lazy to actually open the book.


Photoshopped while studying. I never knew I could multitask. XD

Gitz called, and she's kinda right about something. I SHOULD study.

Ahem. I always knew that, but sitting down until 2am memorising what colour ferum oxide turns into upon heating isn't my idea of fun. BUT no one ever said that studying couldn't be fun too, so I'm gonna make up stories of elves and pixies to get me through that Salts chapter! Hahaha!

Chemistry story #1:

A YELLOWISH-GREEN elf sneaks into Santa's workshop via his chimney. Unfortunately, he doesn't realize that Santa likes to keep warm and has left the fire burning in the fireplace. Elf burns himself, turning BROWN.

Santa: What's your name, little elf?

Elf: Ferum, sir.

Santa: Well, well, well. Now, we can't have elves popping in and out of my chimney, now can we? You shall be named FERUM OXIDE from now on, because that burn in your back pocket is exactly what is PRODUCED.

Elf: Sir, if I taste something salty... ?

Santa: Ho, ho, ho! That's the CATIONS on your burnt little bottom.


This is sooo pointless.

I'm boring myself to bits.