Tuesday 20 May 2008

A Talk with Aunt Doreen

Mum, Aunt Doreen and myself had a talk about our school. Aunt Doreen is from CLS too, though she hasn't visited the school since, well - it's been long.

Sorry, guys. This is gonna be a pretty mushy post.

The school's motto is 'Be aware, care and share'. Sounds cheesy? Probably does. But there's no cooler way to put it. Simple in virtue, steadfast in duty. We learn that honesty, sincerity and friendship are the basic foundations that make up life; we learn that to care is to go the extra mile; we learn that academics aside, there are many traits that make us the people that we're going to introduce to society.

Convent Light Street. I'm so proud of this school, and I thank goodness that I decided to come here 5 years ago. We have had fund raisers, food and fun fairs, camps upon camps upon camps, Thanksgiving Days, Good Fridays and Prayer Services. We even organised a Friendship Day when we were in Form 2! In this school, I have learnt so many things that mere words are inadequate in expressing my absolute gratitude and love for the school. Even when I'm forty, I'd still like to come back and retrace the footsteps that I once trod.

There were ups. And downs. But all of that only served to make secondary school life a thousand times more exciting and unique.

If I never get an opportunity to say this, I'm gonna say it now: I love CLS!

I would really love to do something for the school.

May the school stay strong. Colistrians, have faith!