Saturday 17 May 2008

Birthday Song

I don't know why, but this year, my birthday seems a lot more meaningful. I mean, not in terms of material or whatever, it's just this FEELING. Haha.

The class sang a song for me today (yes, we had school on a Saturday) and it was so sweeet of everyone! Thanks, you guys!

Thanks, Kim Yen for messaging me!

Today we had literature class after school, and we finished the novel today. We learnt that people are what their circumstances make them, like the Warden in story, and that if we try to understand other people, we can actually find it in our hearts to forgo whatever they've done. Forgive.

Sometimes, people won't learn if you just tell them what to do. They need to make their own mistakes. They need to learn their own lessons.

LoL. I sound oh-so-wise right now.

It's like two hours before the big day. My last two hours of being sixteen. OMG. I'm turning seventeen. SEVENTEEN. Wow.

I've lived for so long.

Right now, I'm just thinking about everything I've done in all my years alive, and honestly, I don't know when it will all be taken away from me. Life is short - it's an overused cliche, but whatever - and if you don't enjoy yourself, well, what a wasted life. I'd rather be a comedianne rather than someone who works herself sick in a stark office, facing walls that look as though they have never befriended colours.

I've always thought that when you die, you'd get all these flashes of everything you've achieved and think about the trail that you're leaving behind. I was wrong. Living isn't just about making sure that someone remembers you after you're dead and gone; life is about the people you touch, the friends you get to be close to, the other hearts that you can send beating with an even, happy rhythm - that's what life is all about, because when you see the smile that lights up the faces of the ones that you love, nothing is not worth it.